There was a time, in the distant past, when all I needed was a camera and film. Then about a decade ago, I was told, “ya gotta have a digital camera”. Being a right-brained computer-intimidated person of a certain age, I resisted for as long as I could and then finally “went digital” and the flood gates have opened and all the “ya gotta haves” have rained down on me ever since. After I launched my website (another “ya gotta have” of course), I was told many times, “ya gotta have a blog” which fell on deaf ears. That is, until today, when I went to a workshop titled “Digital Social Marketing” and the guy who ran the workshop, Dorian Benkoil said, (well, you know what he said). Of course, I knew what he was going to say when I signed up for this because I had already capitulated in my mind. This is a digital age and I’d have to learn to live with it, and use it to the best of my ability. So here I am, armed to the teeth with all kinds of information that will take me decades to learn and understand. My not-so-secret weapons, of course, are my son and my husband, two very savvy guys who utilize both sides of their brains to great effect (albeit sometimes quite annoyingly) and who will be tickled pink to see this. If I play my cards right, they’ll help me get through the morass.
It has been said that I need to improve my SEO, or search engine optimization. Sounds fine, of course, (I love throwing those technical terms around even if I don’t know what I’m talking about….) and that’s what I want to have happen. All the neat things that I see my son and husband do when writing their blogs don’t come easily to me. But I must widen my network, bring people to my websites, and get on with the business at hand in order to increase my SEO and my business! Then, perhaps sometime, in the hopefully not-too-distance future, I can hear myself knowingly saying to someone, “Oh! You don’t have a blog? Ya gotta have a blog”!
Good Luck with your blog. I'm a big fan and will be following you.